Safe from Harm

The Singapore Scout Association (SSA) aims to create a safe and conducive environment so that Scouts and adult leaders alike – can learn and facilitate quality Scouting. To do that, the Safe from Harm policy outlines a comprehensive framework for ensuring safety and harm prevention within the organisation.

All Scout volunteers shall abide by the code of conduct, Safe from Harm policy and be guided by the Scout Promise and Law.

You may refer to our updated Safe from Harm (SfH) policy which outlines our approach, considerations, as well as key actions we have taken at SSA to ensure the thorough and holistic implementation of Safe from Harm for all members.

If you witness a violation of our Safe from Harm protocols or observe any safety protocols being circumvented, please file a report using the form below.

By submitting this form, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this site. SSA does not distribute the data collected and is strictly for SSA use only.