Are you ready to start your Scouting journey?
Find out more about your section below!
Cub Scouts (Cubs) is for boys and girls aged 7 – 12 years old. The objective of the Cub Scout programme is to develop the child in an environment that is intellectually and physically stimulating as well as providing challenges for the child to face and overcome.
A Cub Scout Group (also known as a Cub Pack) gathers weekly or fortnightly and is divided into groups called Sixes and led by a Sixer. A Sixer is a Cub of good standing who carries out tasks that have been set by their Akela (Cub Scout Leader). Cubs learn to manage themselves and take care of their peers. In doing so, they get hands-on leadership experience.
Activities are typically carried out in Sixes. This encourages Cubs to take ownership of themselves and grow through peer-led learning. Pack meetings are opportunities for adventures, learning life skills, hikes, outdoor cooking, camps, games, shelter-building, knotting, craftwork, and other Scouting skills – all while making new friends.
Be Prepared
The Cub Scout programme is based on The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling. Taking inspiration from the story, Cubs are taught to be prepared for difficult situations and to do so calmly and methodically.
As the 1st line of the Scout Promise reads, “I promise to do my best!” – so every boy and girl Cub will endeavour to overcome difficulties, setbacks and challenges, to do their very best in all things and at all times!
Progress Scheme
Cubs will earn badges as they go through the Cub Scout programme – namely in Scouting skills (Progress badges), personal skills (Proficiency badges), as well as commemorative badges for key area events (such as campfires, hikes, or Founders Day celebrations). Hence, they have the opportunity to interact beyond their pack. Below are the progress badges for the Cub Scout Section.
Bronze Arrow
Silver Arrow
Gold Arrow
Akela Award